Baby Girl Bouquet


This pretty gift is a lovely way to celebrate the birth of a baby girl. A collection of softly coloured pinks and creams creating a beautiful hand-tied bouquet of favourite flowers.

We expertly hand-tie these blooms and wrap in soft paper before placing in a pretty  presentation box.

The proud parents will be tickled pink and are sure to love it.



How to place your order:

1. Select a size (small, medium or large) to confirm your budget.

2. Provide any flower and colour preferences (you must write something in this field)

3. Write your message (or tell us you wish to leave the card blank)

4. Request your collection date and time (allowing at least 24 hours from order)

Please note – pictures are for illustrative purposes only and the final appearance of your wreath will depend on seasonal availability and the flower preferences that you provide.

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